Google announced a partnership with NASCAR for their 2012 April Fools joke: Google’s self-driving cars were to compete in NASCAR races.

Is Technology Making Us Dumber?
Has your once-good ability to remember phone numbers declined to the point where you can dial few without looking? Do you now also forget facts, dates or the exact wording of legal rules that you once remembered well?

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Pub Crawls and Information Overload
Information overload is one of the world’s major commercially-addressable problems. More information than ever is accessible. But it’s hard to find what we’re looking for.

I’m happy to report that we now have a website that says what we do. Which is build software that helps users review contracts and organize their findings.

How to Compete with Increasingly-Powerful Technology
Increasingly powerful technology is transforming industries worldwide, and there’s more to come. Even white collar work like that done by lawyers and doctors is more-and-more susceptible to tech-driven change.

Will New Technology Kill Off Junior Lawyer Jobs?
Was out for drinks last night with a pair of my former Biglaw colleagues. Talk turned to junior lawyer work. One of my companions started as a corporate associate at a large law firm in the early 1990s, the other as a corporate associate at a different large law firm in the early 2000s.

Better Legal Training is Only Part of the Problem
The New York Times recently ran a long, detailed and worth-reading article entitled “What They Don’t Teach Law Students: Lawyering”. The title pretty much says it all: (1) Law schools are stocked with legal scholars not lawyers ("… the median amount of practical experience [of hires at top-tier law schools] was one year, and half of faculty members had never practiced law for a single day") focussed on often esoteric research; and (2) The high cost of all this faculty research (roughly $575 million/year) is borne by highly indebted law students, who graduate law school not knowing how to practice law.

AI: Threat or Opportunity for Lawyers?
The Economist recently ran a post on their Babbage (science and technology) blog on whether the “Luddite Fallacy” remains a fallacy as artificial intelligence takes on more and more white collar tasks.