Award-winning software for smarter due diligence
Trusted on hundreds of billions of dollars of transactions to date, Kira automates the extraction and analysis of key provisions from across your contracts.
Trusted on hundreds of billions of dollars of transactions to date, Kira automates the extraction and analysis of key provisions from across your contracts.
Select which provisions you would like to find, such as change of control and assignment, and Kira will highlight them for your review. Kira’s built-in models are thoroughly tested for accuracy on unfamiliar agreements.Learn more about Kira’s built-in provisions or learn how to create custom provisions with Kira Quick Study.
Whether you’re reviewing by yourself, or managing dozens of others, Kira makes it easy. Assign documents to reviewers, keep track of which documents or provisions have been reviewed, escalate problems, and much more.
With Kira's Dashboard, get a bird’s eye view of your project so that you can better communicate risks both within your project team and to you clients.
We have you covered. Easily spot check the results of a first-level review. Click to jump to the original source contract page to verify accuracy. You'll never again need to email around the office asking for a copy.
You can drag-and-drop, upload entire directories or zip files, import from Intralinks, or via the Kira API. Kira preserves folder structure.
Because you can tag entire documents or only selected provisions, Kira makes it possible to analyze almost any data point. Create and export custom summary charts and summaries, adding or removing provisions as needed.
Rapidly redline in bulk against a form agreement. Use a form deviation “heat map” to easily see where changes have been made across an entire pool of agreements.
Kira extracts text (even from scanned documents) automatically into summary charts.