What’s Coming to Kira: 2020 Product Update

Written by: Steve Obenski

February 4, 2020

3 minute read

The legal profession continues to transform.

New technologies are empowering lawyers with an abundance of data that was never before available. As a result, legal teams are making better decisions, improving key processes, and delivering more value to their clients.

Opportunities that were never before imagined are now real.

Kira Systems is on a mission to enlighten the world’s enterprises by enabling them to truly know what’s in all of their contracts and documents.

We have evolved far beyond contract review for M&A due diligence, real estate lease abstraction, and contract management system implementation. We now extensively cover banking and finance, audit and accounting, and a wide range of general corporate and commercial needs.

Companies are discovering the value of the data that has, until now, been trapped.

Kira is evolving with them by providing new capabilities to help them — and their lawyers and other professionals — unlock more and deeper insights.

As we kick off 2020, we are excited to provide some updates on our roadmap of releases that are currently planned for this year.

Upcoming Releases

  • This month, Kira’s built-in intelligence will reach a new milestone. In our next release, the number of provisions and other concepts that Kira can understand out-of-the-box will exceed 1000. The latest set of new built-in “smart fields” will cover important key provisions, clauses, and other data points relating to Articles and Bylaws, Data Protection, Lease and Equipment Lease Accounting, as well as Indentures.

  • Starting on February 29th we will begin rolling out a series of new product releases, focusing first on enhancements to Quick Study.

    We are making it easier than ever for Kira users to expand upon Kira’s built-in intelligence to build their own accurate, powerful smart fields – all with no technical expertise required.

    Quick Study’s intuitive design will be further refined so that users can more easily fine-tune the way Kira learns from their examples, and more easily combine training sets from different sources.

    To date, Kira customers have built and used over 20,000 of their own smart fields using Quick Study. These upcoming enhancements will give them even more power to expand upon what Kira can do.

In subsequent releases this year, Kira will also give you the ability to:

  • Deeply interpret the meaning of provisions: Users will be able to teach Kira to not just find concepts, but to interpret the text and produce structured information. This empowers our users to tailor Kira’s capabilities even more precisely, and to quickly surface the insights they and their clients need.
  • Share expertise in new ways: Kira users will be able to share smart fields beyond their own organization to other firms and clients. The smart fields that our users train in Kira today represent the knowledge and experience of the lawyer who trained them. Kira helps amplify that expertise by applying it across any number of documents. Enabling firms to share that expertise outside of their own walls, which will open up new possibilities for firms to develop new client service models.

We believe that these new capabilities will help the Kira community make an even bigger impact in their work. This is a big step forward for Kira, and so today we are also introducing a new visual identity that reflects our evolved story and set of capabilities.

We can’t wait to share more details and show you what’s coming to Kira!

Sign up today to become a Kira Insider to hear first-hand about our official launch plans, and to receive invites to upcoming Kira demos and launch events.

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