A Basic Primer on Selling a Business: Summary - An Overview of Business Sale Processes
A Basic Primer on Selling a Business: What legal issues will buyers usually be concerned about when reviewing contracts?
A Basic Primer on Selling a Business: How to handle the “bad news” about a business being sold
A Basic Primer on Selling a Business: What kinds of information will buyers of a business want to see?
A Basic Primer on Selling a Business: How do people value a business?
A Basic Primer on Selling a Business: What are the key stages in the process of selling a business
A Basic Primer on Selling a Business: The role of financial statements and the misguided view that they are all that matters
A Basic Primer on Selling a Business: Case Studies in Selling a Business as an Information-Sharing Process
A Basic Primer on Selling a Business: Why selling any business is a challenging information-sharing process