Prior to co-founding Kira Systems, Noah practiced at the law firm Weil, Gotshal & Manges in New York, where he focused on private equity, M&A, and securities. Noah is an expert on contract analysis, legal technology, and artificial intelligence; has spoken at conferences including SXSW Interactive, ILTACON, and ReInvent Law; and has been named the FT’s Intelligent Business Market Shaper and ILTA’s Innovative Thought Leader of the Year. Noah holds a J.D. from the NYU School of Law, an A.M. from Brown University, and a B.A. with honours from McGill University.
Articles written by Noah Waisberg

Non-Standard Contract Clause Detection is Easy to Build, Hard to Get Right
Software can’t accurately identify non-standard contract clauses unless it’s highly accurate at identifying contract clauses in the first place. Some organizations need to know how executed agreements differ from their template, and where they have agreed to non-standard clauses.

How to Add Non-Standard Clause Detection to Your Contract Metadata Extraction System
Spotting outlying contract provisions isn’t as much fun as finding the 16 differences between these two images. Fortunately, simple software can help on the contract side.

How to Build an Automated Contract Provision Extraction System
If you only need contract provision extraction software to review agreements you specifically trained it for (which are in the form of clean scans), rules- and comparison-based tech should work fine.

DiligenceEngine Covered in "Robert Ambrogi's LawSites"
Earlier this month, Bob Ambrogi put up a quite thorough description of our contract review system on his “LawSites” blog. For those unfamiliar with Bob’s work, he is among the leading writers on legal technology.

DiligenceEngine Featured by The Canadian Bar Association "National" Magazine
Yves Faguy, the senior editor of The Canadian Bar Association’s National Magazine, just put up a nice interview with me about DiligenceEngine.

Further Information on Why Who Instructs An Automated Contract Provision Extraction System Matters
In the previous post in the Contract Review Software Buyer’s Guide, we explored the human element of building contract provision extraction software.

Noah Presenting at ReInvent Law
Noah Waisberg - Better Contract Review from ReInvent Law Channel. Here’s the tape of me presenting at ReInvent Law NYC, which was held at Cooper Union’s Great Hall on February 7, 2014.

Garbage In, Garbage Out: Why Who Instructs An Automated Contract Provision Extraction System Matters
Good way to build accurate contract provision extraction models? tl;dr: If you wouldn’t trust the people who instructed a contract review system to accurately review contracts, can you trust results from the system they built?

People Make Mistakes in Contract Review. Here's How.
Optimal contract review conditions? Two of the main drivers behind building the DiligenceEngine contract review system were that (1) contract review really needs to be done accurately and (2) the junior lawyers who typically do due diligence contract review sometimes make mistakes in this work.